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To sign up to be in our fully staged Musical Theatre Showcase, please fill out the form below. Once we have received your registration form, we will contact you about payment options for the production fee of $65 - which will go towards paying for costumes, props, set pieces, and renting the rehearsal and performance venue. As we need to know that you are committed to being in the production, we cannot guarantee you a spot in the showcase until you have paid the production fee.


Everyone who is in the showcase will have the opportunity to perform the musical numbers that they want to do, and in the context of the show that they're from - as if we were doing that show. There will also be ensemble numbers in which everyone will participate. If the number you are interested in doing is not a solo and requires (a) scene partner(s), someone else in the showcase will fill that role as we are here to support each other's dreams. As we have extensive musical theatre knowledge, we will have song options for people to do as well. 

Auditions will take place on January 11th from 12:00-2:00 in the commons at Animas High School. Please come prepared with one of the songs that you are interested in performing in the showcase. If you are unable to attend the live auditions, you may send us an audition video by the audition date to 


Rehearsals will generally take place on Mondays from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm, starting January 13th. Please see our calendar for more details. The performances will take place on the 24th and 25th of April 2020. *dates may be subject to change

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